
有来自30个国家的65多名国际学生, 我们在国际招生过程中有很多经验.

你的圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台的经历从这里开始!

申请入读圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台,请先填好这个 在线申请 (这是免费的!).




如果你打算在美国学习, 你很可能需要学生签证, 是F类签证还是J类签证.




我们邀请各种背景和信仰的学生在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, and provide an academic experience that helps you enrich your life and the lives of others.




  • 6月1日:所有8月入学的入学文件都要交.
  • 11月1日:1月份入学的所有入学文件到期.

了解更多正规买球平台有哪些! 你想学什么? 你想住在哪里? 是什么让你来到这里感到兴奋? 我们的网站是您了解圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台,所以一定要了解 学术项目住房学生生活,我们的 !



  1. 应用程序 (免费,网上填写). Please note that if you do not have a Social Security Number, you can leave that field blank.
  2. 的证据 your Grade Point Average equivalent should be sent with your official international transcripts. 被录取的学生必须至少达到2分.四分之一.0 CGPA. If we cannot evaluate your transcripts, you may need an external agency to complete the evaluation.
  3. 寄给我们考试成绩的正式复印件,证明 英语熟练.
  4. 寄给我们一份护照扫描件,包括照片页.
  5. 发送一个 财务报表 通过电子邮件提供资金证明.

国际招生 reviews your application and will let you know our admission decision. At this time, we'll also confirm any academic scholarship that you have been awarded. 这个奖项是自动颁发的. 没有必要申请.


祝贺你! 你已经完成了录取程序! New students are sent a welcome email and a packet in the mail that includes the I-20 document.

如果您被录用,请访问我们的网站 接受学生 网站!


在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, we truly value the unique perspectives and new thinking that international students bring to the graduate classroom.

我校的国际学生 研究生课程 find that small class sizes and a focus on teaching help to foster their academic success. 用那个非常美式的短语来说,这是“双赢”!"

We invite you to explore our 研究生课程 and begin the admission process by following the steps below.


  • For students with a current F-1 visa: Admission deadlines are set by individual graduate departments. 如果研究生系没有入学截止日期, 然后在滚动的基础上审查申请.
  • For students without a current F-1 visa: June 1 for August admission; November 1 for January admission.

了解更多正规买球平台有哪些! 国际 students requiring F-1 visas are eligible to apply for admission (with exceptions notated in italics) to any of our full-time 研究生课程:



  1. 应用程序 研究生入学申请. Please note that if you do not have a Social Security Number, you can simply leave that field blank.
  2. 你的平均成绩证明. 如果你在美国完成了本科课程, 我们需要看到这些机构的正式成绩单. If any part of your undergraduate education was undertaken outside of the US, then we will also need to see evidence of the Grade Point Average (GPA) equivalent from that coursework. This may need to be evaluated by an external source (see the 国际招生 page and scroll to the bottom for the external evaluation contact list). For those who have individual requirements on how the GPA equivalent is obtained, 我们将与研究生项目合作.
  3. 的证据 英语水平.
  4. 护照复印件,包括照片页.
  5. 填妥财务声明表格(载于 入学费用 页)并返回给 international@keramicke-plocice.net 使用数字形式的资金证明(例如.g. 银行对账单/银行函件)
  6. 研究生课程还有什么要求吗.

国际 Student Services will work with the graduate faculty who will make a decision on your admission.

Both offices may communicate with you to request additional documentation, 两个办公室都可以帮助你解决问题.


如果你被录取了, 国际 Student Services will then send you a personalized Declaration of Finances form.

On this form, confirm how you are able to fund a full academic year here. 然后, 将此文件连同支持性财务文件一并交回, 比如银行对账单和保证书.


祝贺你! 你已经完成了录取程序!

如果你已经有F-1签证, you will receive a welcome email which explains how your SEVIS file will transfer to us from your current institution.

如果你没有F-1签证, you will receive a welcome packet in the mail that contains your new Form I-20. 这将在你的签证面试中被要求.


访问我们的 接受学生 网站! Here you will find information on the visa application and how to prepare for your arrival at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台!


If you are looking for a great place to continue your American education, with educators who value student contact and a campus community that is excited to learn from international students, 你找对地方了!

转往St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 is a simple process, either at the undergraduate or graduate levels. 按照以下步骤开始你的圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台的经验!


For undergraduate transfer students, admission decisions are made on a rolling basis. 当然, the sooner you apply the better so that you can begin to plan your course schedule and your move!

研究生转学生,个人 研究生课程 可以设定入学截止日期吗. If no date is set, then applications are also reviewed on a rolling basis.

了解更多正规买球平台有哪些! With more than 60 undergraduate majors, chances are you can find your field of study here. We also have first-class student 住房 and a very active campus life. 查阅以下资料 学术项目住房、 学生生活,我们的 !


  1. 应用程序,适用于本科生或研究生.
  2. 你目前就读的学院或大学的成绩单复印件. If you are transferring from a college or university outside the United States, you may have to have your transcripts evaluated by an external agency.
  3. 托福或雅思考试成绩. 请浏览 英语语言能力要求页 查看当前考试成绩.
  4. 护照复印件,包括照片页.
  5. 财务声明表(在参加费用页面上) 
  6. Bank Statement (Government-sponsored students should submit a letter of support from their sponsoring agency instead of a bank statement.)

准备好改变你的生活吧! 在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台会打开你的思维, 给你一个新的朋友圈, 用一生的回忆填满你.

Be sure to give the exchange opportunity some thought because it's a big commitment. 你来这里最激动的是什么? 你最不确定的是什么? 如果你对在美国的生活有任何疑问,请告诉我们.S. 在你做决定之前.

按照以下步骤完成录取过程. 我们很高兴欢迎你的到来!


  • 圣克鲁兹大学,伊尔海姆斯,巴西巴伊亚州
  • 萨格勒布经济与管理学院,克罗地亚萨格勒布
  • 关西现代大学,平田市,日本
  • The Foundation for Liberal and Management Education (FLAME), Pune, India


  • 5月1日:8月入学的所有入学文件都要交吗.
  • 10月1日:1月份入学的所有入学文件到期.

如果你准备好开始你的圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台, contact and work with the exchange or international office at your home university to apply for the exchange program.


If you are nominated by your home university, send us your application materials by e-mail:

  1. 交换生入学申请. Please note that if you do not have a Social Security Number, you can leave that field blank.
  2. 来自你所在学校的提名信.
  3. 国内大学成绩单复印件.
  4. 英语水平证明:托福(70分)或雅思(5分).5) score report or letter from your home university confirming your academic English ability.
  5. 护照复印件,包括照片页.

We review your application materials and let you know if your meet our admissions criteria.

如果你被录取了, a personalized Declaration of Finance form will be emailed to you. As an exchange student, you will receive a waiver of the cost of tuition. 然而, you will need to show evidence that you are able to fund your 住房、 食物, 书, 保险, 你在这里期间的所有个人开销.

The Declaration of Finances should be returned to us with supporting documentation, 比如银行对账单.


祝贺你! 你已经完成了录取程序. We'll send you a welcome email and an acceptance packet in the mail that includes your DS-2019 Form, 签证面试需要什么.



518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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