
Music at St. Ambrose is enriching and expressive, 为有抱负的音乐家和教育工作者提供深入的培训和经验. Here, 音乐家与教师密切合作,精心设计个性化的课程和实践经验,帮助每个学生实现他们的目标. 

Our graduates work as professional musicians, studio teachers, college professors, 还有戏剧公司和教堂的音乐总监.

Click here to audition for a music scholarship


Ambrose Advantages

  • Generous annual scholarships
  • 在校园内外的多个场所作曲、指挥、教学和表演
  • 密集的专业培训和指导,从我们屡获殊荣的专家教师

marian lee teaching

boy singing

Student playing the clarinet

我们鼓励音乐学生在音乐的各个领域探索他们的潜力, thanks to extraordinary dedication by our faculty. They help you grow personally and professionally, so you become an influential and confident musician.


Discover Your Potential
Major in Music at SAU

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台音乐专业的学生科林·埃弗斯是一位来自伊利诺伊州皮奥里亚的天才音乐家. Along with dedicated and talented faculty, Colin在SAU音乐系得到了他所需要的所有机会和支持.

Schedule Your Campus Visit

More Information on the Music Program

What are some of my unique learning opportunities?

At St. 可以买滚球的正规平台,你可以开始定期表演 from the beginning of your undergraduate career. Join one or more of our performing groups: Marching Band, Symphonic Band, University Chorale, Chamber Singers, Jazz Combo, Bella Voce, Bee Sharp, and STAMVOJA (vocal jazz ensemble). 随着我们的音乐合奏的数量和种类,你一定会找到你的位置. 你将得到我们屡获殊荣的教员的个人关注, and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.

You can also audition for a music scholarship -每年颁发(前提是你符合某些条件). The department awards nearly $170,并为其他学科的优秀学生提供多项音乐奖学金, like Education major Peyton Reese and Marketing major Ashley Dean.

更多的机会是:作为独奏家表演, in a small ensemble, in the QC community, or even internationally. Our students regularly perform with the Quad City  Symphony Orchestra for live movie showings with orchestra and chorus; in 2017, the Chamber Singers toured Italy and Austria, and in 2019, the Symponic Band travelled to Ireland. 2023年,室内乐歌手和交响乐团前往希腊! Our SAU Marching Band 在家里执行足球比赛,季后赛,和正规买球平台有哪些事件.

Quad Cities是强大的表演艺术正规买球平台有哪些的所在地, 拥有许多表演场地和节日,包括 River Music Experience, Quad City Symphony Orchestra, Bix Jazz Music Festival, Mississippi Blues Festival, Nova Singers, the Adler Theatre, and many more. 我们距离芝加哥市中心和得梅因也只有三个小时的路程.

Music Scholarships

每年,音乐系向有才华的音乐家颁发超过17万美元的奖金(需要海选)。. 我们鼓励所有有潜力的音乐专业和未成年人参加试镜, 我们还为其他学科的优秀学生提供大量的音乐奖学金, too. 

Click here to fill out a scholarship interest form 我们会再联系安排你的音乐奖学金试镜. 

Click here to see audition dates and learn more.

What are some career choices?

A Music major can lead to many careers, including accompanist, arranger, arts administrator, band director, composer, conductor, educator, merchandising, music critic, musical theatre, performer, songwriter, or jingle writer.

Other professional careers include arts fundraiser, event management, film music director, sound effects (foley) artist, instrument designer, music therapist, opera coach, orchestrator, recording engineer, sound design, talent scout, theatre, or concert hall manager.

What have alumni of this program done?

泰森·丹纳07年是达文波特河音乐体验的执行董事. 他之前是Quad City Arts的正规买球平台有哪些艺术总监. 泰森还积极参与达文波特青年剧院担任艺术总监.

Madeline (Schumacher) Madsen '18在爱荷华市的SE初中教授乐队和器乐课程.


Mary Vargo '21是卡曼奇(IA)高中的乐队总监

Kathy Heedles 1982年是奥地利维也纳美国国际学校的合唱团指挥

Dr. 83岁的鲍勃·劳伦斯是达拉斯音乐学院的校长,也是the

Dr. Khirstin Ihde '02是威斯康星大学奥什科什分校钢琴副教授

科林·埃弗斯于20岁在北爱荷华大学完成了钢琴表演音乐硕士学位, 现在在基督国王教堂担任音乐部主任, while also teaching Class Piano and applied lessons.

Faculty and Staff

Nathan Windt, DMA, Chair and Professor

Megan Hobbs, Director of Athletic Bands
Nicholas Enz, DMA, Assoc. Professor and Director of Bands
Marian Lee, DMA, Assoc. Professor of Music

Teaching Artists

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Arts in Music

All courses are 3 credits unless otherwise noted.


MUS 099 Concert Attendance (every semester enrolled)
+MUS 110 Music Orientation
MUS 201 Music Theory and Aural Skills I, 2 credits
MUS 202 Music Theory and Aural Skills II, 2 credits
MUS 221 Techniques for Piano, 1 credit
MUS 222 Piano Techniques II, 1 credit
MUS 301 Music Theory III, 2 credits
MUS 302 Music Theory and Aural Skills III, 2 credits
MuS 303 Music Theory and Analysis IV
MUS 319 Conducting
MUS 326 Music History and Literature: 1750 to 1890


Presentation of a junior (half) recital;

MUS 403 senior recital (2 credits);


Plan to Graduate - BA in Music

这是建议的学习计划,在四年内毕业,获得音乐学位. 这个计划假定学生在高中没有学过三年的外语.

Year One

MUS 099 Concert Attendance 0 MUS 099 Concert Attendance 0
*MUS 101 Basic Musicianship   3 MUS 203 Applied Music 1
Social Science 3 MUS 207 Aural Skills I 2
MUS 203 Applied Music 1 MUS 201 Music Theory I 2
MUS 111 Chorale; MUS 117 Band; or MUS 122 Large Ensemble 1 MUS 221 Piano Techniques I 1
ENGL 101 3 MUS 111 Chorale; MUS 117 Band; or MUS 122 Large Ensemble 1
Info Lit 1 MATH 3
Oral COMM 3 PHIL/THEO 100-200 3
non-Music elective 3
Total 15 Total 16


Year Two

MUS 099 Concert Attendance 0 MUS 099 Concert Attendance 0
MUS 203 Applied Music 1-2 MUS 301 Theory III 2
MUS 208 Aural Skills II 2 MUS 307 Aural Skills III 2
MUS 202 Music Theory II 2 MUS 203 Applied Music 1-2
MUS 222 Piano Techniques II 1 Natural Science 3
MUS 111 Chorale; MUS 117 Band; or MUS 122 Large Ensemble 1 MUS 111 Chorale; MUS 117 Band; or MUS 122 Large Ensemble 1
MUS tech course (MUS 234-242) 1 MUS 325/6/7 Music History 3
MUS 319 3 MUS tech course (MUS 234-242) 1
THEO/PHIL 100-200 3 KIN 149 1
non-Music elective 3 non-Music elective 3
Total 17-18 Total 17-18

Year Three

MUS 099 Concert Attendance 0 MUS 099 Concert Attendance 0
MUS 303 applied major 2 MUS 303 applied major 2
MUS 111 Chorale; MUS 117 Band; or MUS 122 Large Ensemble 1 MUS 111 Chorale; MUS 117 Band; or MUS 122 Large Ensemble 1
MUS 302 Theory IV 2 PHIL/THEO 3
MUS 308 Aural Skills IV 2 Foreign Language 102 3
MUS 322 or 323 3 MUS 407 Form & Analysis** 3
Foreign Language 101 3 MUS tech course (MUS 234-242)*** 1
MUS 325/6/7 Music History 3 MUS History 325-327 3
non-Music Humanities 3
Total 17 Total 16

Year Four

MUS 099 Concert Attendance 0 MUS 099 Concert Attendance  0
MUS 303 Adv. Applied Music 1-2 Writing intensive non-Music elective 3
PHIL/THEO 300+ 3 MUS 403 Applied Recital 2
MUS 111 Chorale; MUS 117 Band; or MUS 119 Orch. 1 MUS 407** or non-Music elective 3
non-Music elective 6 non-Music elective 6
KIN activity 1-2
MUS 407 or non-Music elective 3
Total 15-17 Total 14

*基础音乐素养不是音乐专业课程要求的一部分. 虽然学生可能需要参加课程,以取得成功的专业, this course does not count toward the Music Major. It does count towards one of your humanities courses.
** This course is offered every three semesters. Check with Dr. Campbell to confirm the next offering.
***你需要完成两门技术课程. 建议语音专业的学生选修236和237门课程, 而器乐专业的学生则选择最适合他们需要的两门课程.

Recommended courses:
MUS 324 Music Technology
MUS 150 Composition Class
COMM 240 Principles of Public Relations

Music Minor

Requirements for a Minor in Music (18-22 credits)


MUS 099 Concert Attendance, 0 credits (4 semesters)
+MUS 103, 203或303应用课程,1学分(至少4学期)
MUS 111, 118或122合奏,0-1学分(至少4个学期)
+MUS 110 Music Orientation, 3 credits
MUS 201 Music Theory I, 2 credits
MUS 207 Aural Skills I, 2 credits
MUS 221 Techniques for Piano, 1 credit
MUS electives (minimum two courses)

Click here to read course descriptions for Music

Jazz Studies Minor

Requirements for a Minor in Jazz Studies (19 credits)

Courses are 3 credits unless otherwise noted.

MUS 099 Concert Attendance, 0 credits
+MUS 110 Music Orientation
+MUS 103, 203, or 303 Applied Lessons, 1 credit
+MUS 118 Jazz Ensemble, 0-1 credit
+MUS 120 History of Jazz
MUS 201 Music Theory I, 2 credits
MUS 207 Aural Skills I, 2 credits
MUS 221 Piano Techniques, 1 credit

+ Satisfies a General Education requirement

Meet Our Alumni & Current Students

我们的校友和学生通过他们的职业和音乐天赋来分享他们对音乐的热爱. Learn more about just one member of our community.

Nick Vasquez '08, BA in Music

Ashley Dean

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing,Class of 2021

阿什利·迪恩正在蓬勃发展,她的成功与她自己的努力和决心直接相关. 在SAU,我们为她提供了成长的教育和机会.

See My Story

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多正规买球平台有哪些的虚拟和亲自访问选项.